• History

How TDL found Brawlers Tavern

There was a time, long ago, when an Unholy Nation was in a vicious civil war. Every player, new and old was gifted a sword for their own personal protection. Fights broke out daily, guilds were formed and wars were had. The Dark Legion emerged from the depths of Hell and caused havoc on the lands, adding even more bloodshed to the already warring nation.

An alliance eventually formed between all players, to battle The Dark Legion, and put a stop to their laming death blows.

A jail was constructed with rare precious metals mined from the Noobville mines. TDL was lured into the structure by a silent faction disguised as "stupid little nubs". With TDL busy inside the jail, they didn't notice the doors being locked behind them. The Dark Legion was locked away. Maniac chuckles from behind the bars, UDI looks outside the last locked door to see a lifeless bloody body of what used to be warhawk sprawled on the ground, dried blood dripping from his anus. With TDL safely locked behind bars, his followers quickly cover the body and drag it away.

With the chaos at a standstill, many players decide to evacuate Unholy Nation. They "caron-ed" their way to Trent, reached the shores and built a giant boat. With all players onboard, they left the shores of UN and set sail for many years. During this time, Crazy Sparing Alien actually went crazy, and one night mysteriously vanished from the jail without a trace. His last babbling was something about Brawling with his bro Adrian. TDL was very sad to lose a bro, but it wasn't meant to be forever.

Over time, the land outside the jail dried up of noobs, and became a dead and desolate place. Players had all drifted off to other lands, until there was literally nobody left.. or so everyone thought.



A mysterious bubble appears from the pond in the old Clev PK war room. A figure makes it way to the surface of the water and crawls onshore. He shakes himself off, looks around and flashes a devilish grin. He makes his way outside and heads toward TDL's guildhouse. He enters the massive building and makes his way to the TDL meeting room. He pushes aside UDI's chair and reveals a staircase. Down he goes, deeper and deeper underground until he finally sees a vault. He feels along the wall until he finds the button to unlock it. The door creaks open and a dark, evil glowing ORB is revealed. The figure grabs the UN Death Orb, closes the vault and makes his way back to the meeting room. He covers the staircase and walks over to Hawk's chair. He flips over the chair and underneath he finds a scroll hidden in the cushion. He then begins running to the jail.

Once outside, he holds the ORB above his head and reads the words from the scroll. "Eek ma, doosh fa, preto darn de fuck" (translated to TDL ownz you). The dark clouds above his head begin to form and a single thunderous bolt strikes the jail building. The sealed door of the jail opens, and all jail cells instantly become unlocked. Hawk begins to saunter towards the entrance while UDI runs over to Maniac's cell, and tells him its time to go. Maniac grabs his sunglasses and heads out the cell door to wake up Lady, Imp, Slag, Atis and Snow. Maniac gathers the rest of the TDL crew, while UDI meets Hawk near the jail door. They both step outside, see the shadowy figure and smile. "What's up War Bandit, what took you so long?"

Finally, TDL was free, but now what? Snow feels sad and misses Crazy, so while TDL scours the land Snow decides to visit Crazy's old room. Inside the room, he finds a record leaning against a strange wooden sword, with Crazy's green helmet hanging off the sword.. Crazy must have been here since the jail cell! On closer inspection, it is unlike any sword Snow had ever seen, made with wood unlike any in UN. Snow heads over to the DJ Studio and decides to find out what's on the record, and being a total noob at DJ equipment accidently plays the record backwards revealing secret coordinates for a place known only as Brawlers Tavern. That must be where Crazy went, and we decide to follow.

With coordinates in hand, TDL makes their way to the shores of Trent, and begin their swim to the new found land. "Boats are for pussies" says UDI



TDL has been reunited with Crazy, as well as his bro Adrian. Crazy, it turns out, ascended to some new plane of existence, and is now a mute named fez with great and mysterious powers in this new land. Legend says he can still talk, and some claim to have seen it. We cannot verify this claim. Together with his brother Adrian (who is another god king of Brawlers Tavern), they rule a fresh new hunting ground for us.

With time, we eventually run into many familiar faces, including some from the old UN wars. But also fresh recruits that were new blood and joined our ranks eagerly. Sadly enough, old faces and old elites bring their old games once again into our reality. One such face catches our attention, though this one now looks uglier and shorter somehow, he also walks stiffly around with a large stick for support. Rambling on about back troubles from some horrible incident in a jail long ago, somewhat seems to have lost it. As we draw closer we notice he's alternating between calling himself St Daniel, Buu, LoveDove, and so on. We feel bad, multiple personality disorders are rough. Hawk offers the crazed man some brawlers tokens for his 'positivity church' and TDL continues down the road.

Over time, it becomes clear this new land is a place for new beginnings, old enemies are floating and sharing each other in weak alliances, no longer a threat.

TDL makes itself comfy.

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