KittaH challenged us to a spar tourney and they were frankly afraid of us getting serious... and me, Buzz and Guz were just too lazy to bother =P So I called a gangbang and everybody went nuts :O
-=Jú§† ß|åzê=-
August 3, 2006
It wasnt a big guild war... We was against AGE but they all paused because they were afraid.
August 3, 2006
July 23, 2006
Now we know what CGU stands for... constipaded gays united...
July 23, 2006
TDL Owning BTK ;)
July 13, 2006
Rawr TDL pwns
Rufus (TDL)
July 8, 2006
Made a wall just like Vander did with their 12+ members in castle wars.
June 12, 2006
BTK gets owned!
Under Da Influence
May 10, 2006
BTK wants to fight....
Under Da Influence
May 10, 2006
TDL owns CW yet again xD Crazy and Immortal joined our ranks tonight and with the new manpower plus the oldbie returning.. ownage
April 27, 2006
Just sad when me and Immortal can take CW away from 6+ Cherry with 2 TNT and one other dude (with a wierd guild tag) as allies. 9+ vs 2 TDL and we took the place hahahaha
You can't get much more ownt than that.
April 27, 2006
After owning TNT at a guild war TDL decides we might as well seal the deal, and we ran to Castle Wars (which was currently held by guess who? Yeah TNT). Within 10 seconds we took over and held it, and got some statues to prove it ;)