This is one pretty bloody sad 'legend' hahahaha.. but hey, he realizes who he's dealin with, and has the right reaction ;)
February 15, 2006
A Blue Battle Tank....WTF?
Under Da Influence
February 6, 2006
Raped some BTK near Trent, the dude couldn't figure out why he couldn't hit us.. its cuz he was so lagged it didn't register as a nopk zone for him haahahaa. Took him bout 20 mins to figure this out xD
February 4, 2006
My new student FUCKIN PWNS!!! recently divoced husband Mikey about 20 times before he logs off =D!! *sniff* im so proud
CoolMaN ~HeAt~
August 23, 2005
Dude this kid ran in 4 different towns and then says owned. The kids in SMK so i had to point it out and i laughed at him hard.
Sleion (TDL)
April 23, 2005
funny old old pic of noobs in TC sandbox
April 23, 2005
haha an oldbie screenie check it out
April 23, 2005
Me and Biggie again with the same noob and asked us what we wanted... rofl!
April 4, 2005
Biggie and me went noobie hunting and made this noob angry
April 4, 2005
Doesn't know what TDL means... it means OWNAGE!
April 1, 2005
Me and Nik confusing a noob
March 30, 2005
some kid tries to hang out with TDL enterthejoe? lmfao