• Noobs

Oh snap, I was gonna go to Disporia to prove that it wasn't gone (As Under dubbed it lol.) Well, on our way, we pked this kid and it was hystarical lmfao. Closing comments: SILENCER IS BACK NIGGAA!

unknown aka Significant.

January 25, 2005

OutRage fans, especially the homosexual ones (like Restraint here when I was AFK), piss me off... I know they want to be like TDL, but wtf is with all the love? Sorry, TDL isn't into that sorta thing =p


January 22, 2005

Me And Under PKing Some Noob In A Little House Above Conner. This Guy Didnt Even Know What Was Going On. Check It Out.

CrAzY Rãzõr (TDL)

January 21, 2005

Haha this poor little noob began to cry. It was great

Lady Death

January 19, 2005

Presenting Easiest kid on graal....

Under Da Influence

January 10, 2005

Owned....with a side of excuses

Under Da Influence

January 10, 2005

this kid just couldn't help telling me the truth

Under Da Influence

January 5, 2005

We were making fun of her and that makes her admit it, wtf

Under Da Influence

January 4, 2005

Eyeball = Friz = Graal Relationships?

Under Da Influence

January 4, 2005

I've always hated that stupid Opti girl and SwiftPker said something that made me laugh my ass off! I had to screen it

Under Da Influence

January 4, 2005

This was the result of me and Hawk taking out 'Loser.'(Without being on the same tag even) I'd put this under guild wars but with these kids...it was more like pure domination. Anyways, it doesn't get much more pathetic than this. Note:this kid is not a newb. -at least according to him har har


December 6, 2004

Caught some lil kid following me, found out who it was when he said hi. Haven't seen Kage in awhile

Under Da Influence

November 10, 2004


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